About Us
The Medicine Hat Folk Music Club has been providing Medicine Hat and area with live folk music performances for over 18 years

Our Mandate...
"To promote and foster folk music and its wide interpretation through concerts, workshops, publications, education and other such means, thereby bringing the experience of folk music to as wide an audience as possible."
Who are we?
Fond folk festival memories planted the seed of an idea with the founding members of the Medicine Hat Folk Music Club. They asked "Why couldn't Medicine Hat have folk music concerts and maybe even a folk festival some day?"
So.... In the early spring of 2002, the first meetings of this new folk music family were held and a board of directors chosen.
Our vision is to bring to Medicine Hat regular live concerts showcasing the many different folk genres. These include (but are not restricted to!) Celtic, Native American, Country Swing, Zydeco, Blues, Gospel, Bluegrass, Roots Country, Alternative Folk, Latin, Gypsy, African, Klezmer.... and more.
Founding members of the club: Les Pearson, Darla Sawatsky, Betty Aitken, and Donna Robinson. In the spring of 2002, the four of us all came to the same realization at the same time: We needed more live music in our lives. Our dream was to host a folk music festival in Medicine Hat, but after talking to other music clubs, we decided to start off small with 4 concerts in our first year (2002/2003). Fortunately, we chose wisely with Harry Manx, the Billhilly Band, Eileen Laverty and Jerusalem Ridge.